DIY or Professional Moving Service? Which Is Best for Long-Distance Moves?


Moving from your home can be a very overwhelming ordeal for most any family. Traveling a long distance in order to move can make things even more difficult. You may be thinking about taking on a long-distance move on your own. If you are considering a do-it-yourself approach to your move instead of using a moving service, consider these pros and cons before making a final decision: Pros of a DIY Cross-Country Move

22 July 2016

What To Know Before Hiring Movers


Are you thinking about moving to a new apartment but don't want to deal with the stress and expenses of hiring a moving company? Hiring a moving company can actually be easy, affordable, and a great option for you to have a great moving experience. There are many factors that can influence the price of moving companies, which is why it is best to consider a few factors before you decide to move, like the following:

5 June 2016

3 Ways To Make Your Moving Experience More Green


Recycling and reducing waste in your life does not have to stop just because you are planning to move. Here are a few ways that you can make your move a greener experience. Skip The Cardboard Boxes When most people think about moving, they picture stacks of cardboard boxes. However, the traditional cardboard boxes sold for moving purposes do not use recycled material; they use fresh trees to make their cardboard boxes.

29 March 2016