DIY or Professional Moving Service? Which Is Best for Long-Distance Moves?


Moving from your home can be a very overwhelming ordeal for most any family. Traveling a long distance in order to move can make things even more difficult. You may be thinking about taking on a long-distance move on your own. If you are considering a do-it-yourself approach to your move instead of using a moving service, consider these pros and cons before making a final decision:

Pros of a DIY Cross-Country Move

Taking on your own long-distance move will save you the expense of a moving company. Cross-country moves can be quite costly, so you will not have to pay for that service. You will have to incur costs for moving trucks and gasoline, but that will be the limit of your moving expenses.

You can also keep to your own schedule. A moving service will have a schedule they have to keep, but a DIY long-distance move will allow you to move at your own pace.

You will also know where all of your belongings are when you move yourself. You can pack your own items using any method your prefer, whereas a moving company such as Christos & Christos Moving and Storage would come in and pack your belongings according to their own method. With a DIY move, you can label your own boxes in any way you choose and place those items on the truck in the order you prefer. You can also keep up with the more important items if you pack them yourself.

Cons of a DIY Cross-Country Move

Packing for your own major move is a very large task. It can be especially difficult if you do not have any friends or family who are able to give you a hand.

You can also risk hurting yourself if you are not paying attention to how you are lifting heavy items. Moving is very physical and can be dangerous if you are not lifting properly. Injuries incurred on a move can set your moving date back significantly.

Time is another issue. A DIY long-distance move can take many hours. You will have to physically pack your belongings, drive many miles to get to your destination, and unpack your things in your new home. You also have to take the time to plan this long move, including planning sleeping accommodations, rest stops, meals, and so on. Using a moving service will allow you to oversee the process while you fly comfortably on a plane to your new home.

Before taking on a long-distance move yourself, be sure to weigh these pros and cons in order to make the best decision. You will need to plan each detail in order to make the process successful.


22 July 2016

Keeping That Storage Unit Clean

When I started thinking about renting a storage unit, it occurred to me that I was going to be keeping almost all of my belongings inside a single small space. I called a few friends who had stored before for tips, and they told me that it was really difficult to keep your items clean and dust free. However, they gave me a few tips, such as covering all of your belongings with a giant dust cover. I want you to have a positive storage experience, which is why my blog is all about storing smarter. Check out these articles to learn how to find a great unit, how to keep your stuff clean, and how to avoid problems.