How To Prepare Your Push Mower For Winter Storage


As warm weather comes to a close it's time to think about storing your push mower for the winter months. You don't just want to throw it in any place to store, since it has served you well over the summer. Before you send it into winter hibernation, here are some tips to get your push mower ready for winter storage. Gather Tools For this project, you need: a putty knife hose a cloth or metal brush battery cleaner anti-seize compound silicone spray socket wrench blade sharpener fuel stabilizer penetrating oil cooking spray Drain the Gas

22 September 2015

Important Tips For Safeguarding Your Items In Personal Storage


The decisions that you make regarding your personal storage play a huge role in how safe your items remain. Since you are entrusting your items to these personal storage units, it is critical that you take some care in safeguarding all of your contents. To be sure that you are able to maximize on the safety of your items as you store them away, read on and put these tips to good use.

15 September 2015

3 Useful Services To Locate Soon After Your Long Distance Move


If you're moving from one state to another, you probably already have the locations for some pretty big services nailed down. Hospitals, churches, grocery stores, and even libraries are important to find as soon as possible. There are some other places, though, that can be just as useful right away as those other places. Whether you need emergency pet care or you simply need to get away for a little while, you'll be glad that you've looked for these places in your new home area.

15 September 2015

Three Ways To Thank Your Moving Crew For A Job Well Done


If you've ever moved on your own and with the help of a team of professional movers like Bell Moving & Storage, you know just how much less stressful the latter option can be. While you oversee the day's work, the movers can do the heavy lifting and get the job done quickly and carefully. When you hire movers for the day, it's always important to show your gratitude verbally. It's important to go beyond saying "

11 September 2015

Tips To Avoid Improperly Storing Your Boat


Even though you may love being out on the water on your boat, the winter will eventually come and you will need to put your boat into storage. In order to avoid improperly storing your boat, you must be aware of the dangers of improperly storing your boat, as well as how to store it correctly. The Dangers One thing to look out for is the temperature of the place you are storing your boat.

10 September 2015

Be A Self Storage Unit Magician And Use The Art Of Misdirection To Prevent Theft


Just like magicians use the art of misdirection to distract your eyes from their tricks, you too can use misdirection to your advantage when you place items into a self-storage unit. By using misdirection, you can easily mislead potential thiefs into believing that there is nothing of value in your storage unit. This will encourage them to leave your items alone and look elsewhere for items to steal. Use these tips for protecting the items in your storage unit from theft using simple misdirection techniques:

10 September 2015

5 Tips For Moving Your Mattress


One big and bulky item that everyone needs to move between homes is their mattress. It's important to take some extra care when moving your mattress, because it can become damaged or dirty during the moving process. Here are five tips to ensure that your mattress arrives at your new place in great condition, no matter what method of transportation you use. Cover The Mattress Your mattress should always be protected with plastic when moving it.

9 September 2015

A Few Things To Do To Get Ready For The Packers


If you have decided to hire a moving company (such as Bekins Van Lines Inc) to pack and move your household, it does not mean you have nothing to do but jump in the car and drive to the new house. To make sure that the move goes smoothly, and your stuff gets to where you need it to be, here are a few things to do before the day the packers are scheduled to arrive.

8 September 2015

Moving: Furnishings You Should Always Let Professionals Move For You


If you're a do-it-yourself kind of person, you likely want to move all your furnishings yourself when you move to a new house. Most of your furniture and appliances can be moved by yourself without causing any harm, but there are a few items that you should leave to the pros. Learn what they are and why a professional is best for the job. Piano In many cases, a piano has to be taken apart in order to move it down a flight of stairs or through a narrow hallway.

8 September 2015

Moving Out of a Domestic Violence Situation


Although choosing to leave an abuser can be difficult, actually making the move can be just as hard. Not only do you have to deal with a soon-to-be ex who may not want to let you leave, but packing boxes and loading them onto a moving truck can stir up odd feelings that may cause you to change your mind. Here are a few things you can do to make moving out of an abusive situation easier and safer.

8 September 2015